Resources For Authors
Tools to help you create, market and develop your books and brand

Reflection is a way to maximize your transition into the New Year and ensure your continued growth and success as a writer.

Good dialogue is the driving force in storytelling. It’s most often associated with fiction, but itis equally important in nonfiction narratives.

When it comes to creating memorable characters, their voice and dialogue are absolutely crucial.

Using this Character Profile Worksheet is a great way to dig into the details of your character.

When you create a complex villain, you’re allowing the reader to empathize with them, despite their evil-doing.

Crafting Memorable Characters in Your Fiction” is an essential guide for writers aiming to create captivating protagonists.

Have you ever wanted to craft stories about your life or write a memoir, but you haven’t quite known where to start?

Inspiration actually lurks around every corner. You just need to be able to spot it and then harness it. Get started today.

Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank page, mind filled with ideas, yet unable to translate a single thought into coherent words?

Themes exist in every piece of fiction whether an author knows it or not. But what is a theme and how do you identify it?

When it comes to marketing your book, setting goals can help you focus on what you need to do and how to do it. Learn the skills you need to master your time.

Quarterly goals break down the colossal task of an entire year into manageable, bite-sized chunks. They allow you to stop and adjust your course if needed

Have you ever felt like your story is missing that special spark? Well, buckle up, writers, because today we’re diving into the powerful world of The Hero’s Journey.

So, if you have a story to tell—a tale rooted in reality, a journey through the tangible and the true—how do you choose the right nonfiction genre for your story?

Weaving narratives into nonfiction takes a piece of writing beyond a simple relaying of facts; it creates an immersive experience that has the power to captivate readers.

Writing nonfiction is so much more than just weaving words on a page; it’s a balancing act between storytelling and factss, creativity and credibility.

If you look at your year as a road trip across the country, then quarterly goals are the checkpoints where you can plan the next part of your route.

Grab your pen and notebook (or keyboard and screen), and let’s dig into some tips to make your heroes truly shine!

Pitching your nonfiction project to agents and publishers is an important element of success. Learning how to navigate these beginning steps is a crucial part of the journey.

We’ve got some tips that will help you weave captivating narratives to promote your books and connect with your audience.

We see conducting a self-check-in as a valuable practice for maintaining mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

End Of Year Review Checklist
Reflection is a way to maximize your transition into the New Year and ensure your continued growth and success as a writer.

Crafting Memorable Characters
Crafting Memorable Characters in Your Fiction” is an essential guide for writers aiming to create captivating protagonists.

Mining Your Memories
Have you ever wanted to craft stories about your life or write a memoir, but you haven’t quite known where to start?

Harnessing Ideas
Inspiration actually lurks around every corner. You just need to be able to spot it and then harness it. Get started today.

Overcoming Writers Block
Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank page, mind filled with ideas, yet unable to translate a single thought into coherent words?

Themes In Your Memoir
Themes exist in every piece of fiction whether an author knows it or not. But what is a theme and how do you identify it?

Marketing Activities
When it comes to marketing your book, setting goals can help you focus on what you need to do and how to do it. Learn the skills you need to master your time.

Setting Quarterly Goals
Quarterly goals break down the colossal task of an entire year into manageable, bite-sized chunks. They allow you to stop and adjust your course if needed.

The Hero's Journey
Have you ever felt like your story is missing that special spark? Well, buckle up, writers, because today we’re diving into the powerful world of The Hero’s Journey.

Choosing The Right Nonfiction Genre
So, if you have a story to tell—a tale rooted in reality, a journey through the tangible and the true—how do you choose the right nonfiction genre for your story?

Storytelling As A Tool In Nonfiction Writing
Weaving narratives into nonfiction takes a piece of writing beyond a simple relaying of facts; it creates an immersive experience that has the power to captivate readers.

Why Research Matters
Writing nonfiction is so much more than just weaving words on a page; it’s a balancing act between storytelling and facts, creativity and credibility.

Quarterly Mapping Guide
If you look at your year as a road trip across the country, then quarterly goals are the checkpoints where you can plan the next part of your route.

Creating Memorable Protagonists
Grab your pen and notebook (or keyboard and screen), and let’s dig into some tips to make your heroes truly shine!

The Art Of Pitching
Pitching your nonfiction project to agents and publishers is an important element of success. Learning how to navigate these beginning steps is a crucial part of the journey.

Storytelling In Marketing
We’ve got some tips that will help you weave captivating narratives to promote your books and connect with your audience.

Mid-Year Self Check In
We see conducting a self-check-in as a valuable practice for maintaining mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
Why Choose Technica
Technica Editorial project editors and designers will review a manuscript and work with authors to ensure that a book or publication presents its contents in an engaging, contemporary, and professional manner, focusing both on a design aesthetic and the most effective presentation of key information for readers. This strategy means Technica is uniquely positioned to identify opportunities to improve and streamline your workflow. Not only do we offer amazing project editors, but we also aim to educate our authors about the publication and marketing process. With Technica, you get a real partner.
Skilled + Passionate + Innovative editors = An elevated publishing experience!
Need Help Getting Started?
Technica has the skill and determination to support any project with well-trained experts and years of experience. Take your first step toward success!
Author FAQ
What services does Technica Editorial offer?
Our services range from soup to nuts! From manuscript evaluation and peer review office management to various levels of editing, page layout, and cover design, typesetting/composition, and final deliverables for journals, books, and magazines. We can also help with print and print-on-demand options.
What makes Technica unique to the publishing industry?
Technica Editorial brings more than three decades of established, practical publishing and editorial expertise to our clients. Following best practices, relying on knowledgeable experts, and ongoing training in emerging technologies make Technica Editorial stand out. We are passionate about creating best-fit workflows and delivering great publications.
What are your areas of expertise?
We can help you create an original work or assist you in revising and refining an existing project. Our depth of knowledge spans multiple disciplines – including STEM and medical research, environmental sciences, finance and economics, accounting, education, musicology, fiction, and poetry.
How will we communicate on a project?
We value our partnerships with our authors and know that the success of your books depends upon our relationship with you. We take customer service seriously. We assign a team member to work directly with you. We will work with you on the phone or through email – whatever your preferred style of communication is.
What is the difference between a copyedit and a proofread?
Copyediting takes place early in the publishing process, it is the first stage in the editorial production process. Once the file is copyedited, it will be returned to you for review and any additional comments or changes. The proofread, a final review for any remaining glitches or inconsistencies, takes place once the manuscript has been typeset.
What design/layout services does Technica Editorial offer?
We can help you with your concept and design. We offer professional interior layout and cover design services. We custom design every cover and interior page and can incorporate photographs and artwork from the author or illustrator.
What is a print-ready file?
A print-ready file is a PDF that meets all of the industry criteria to successfully print your project.