Gothic Literature: Publishing the Eerie and Macabre

Halloween isn’t the sole occasion for spooky tales that send shivers down your spine. If you’re a fan of horror like me, you’ll enjoy a chilling novel any day, whether it’s the witching hour or not.

Have you heard about indie publishers dedicated to all things dark and eerie? To celebrate World Goth Day, explore three Gothic Publishing Companies that could be home to your next beloved creepy read.

Curious Corvid Publishing 
A small, queer owned press, publishing a variety of gothic works that bring a voice to the darker side of life.

Quill and Crow Publishing
A quaint and curious press founded in 2020, dedicated to promoting the integrity of independent literature. Specializing in all things Gothic and macabre, they strive to preserve the upmarket prose while lifting voices often unheard.

Haunt Publishing
Launched in 2019 and is an independent publisher of Gothic, horror and dark fiction books. We publish books with the curse of being unputdownable, that keep a reader up all night. Books that provoke unease, terror, and dread. Basically, Haunt publishes books that haunt readers long after consuming them.

By: Jenn Garner
Jenn is a Senior Editor at Technica Editorial

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