#WhyImThankful to Work in the Publishing Industry

To celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday this year, some of the staff at Technica Editorial would like to share why they are thankful to work in the publishing industry. As a member of the publishing industry, I will always be thankful for the opportunities to meet and...

Some Helpful Tips for Effectively Training New Editors

As an editorial assistant, you may find yourself frequently training new editors. The tips provided here can help ease a scholar’s transition into an editor role as well as reinvigorate already established relationships to ensure lasting success. Establish Your Role...

Technica Editorial and Other Editors Say Thank You #PeerRevWk2016

In order to celebrate Peer Review Week and recognize the contributions and importance of peer review, Technica Editorial has collected comments from authors, editors and reviewers about the importance of the process. Here are just a few comments about peer review’s...

Everything You Need to Know About Rightslink

Are you an author who needs permission to reuse or adapt text, figures, or tables from a pre-existing publication? Are you on a deadline and worried that the process will take too much time to complete? Are you tired of the messy envelopes and painful paper cuts that...

Journal Tools to Reduce an Author’s Stress

Producing a scholarly manuscript is hard work. The process includes researching, editing, finding the right journal, finding the right document format that can allow for collaborative editing, and ultimately getting people to actually read your research and track its...