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7 Tips to Overcome Writer’s Anxiety

7 Tips to Overcome Writer’s Anxiety

After four years of political, social, and medical upheaval, stress is just a part of everyday life. If you aren’t feeling at least a little stressed, congratulations you’re probably a chatbot. The publishing industry is no stranger to stress. We’ve talked about...

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Feeling the Burn: How to Avoid Burnout While Writing a Book

Feeling the Burn: How to Avoid Burnout While Writing a Book

For most authors, writing is far more than just a career—it’s a passion. The thought of starting a new book project is, at first, one that sparks rigorous motivation and enthusiasm. But all too often, that initial “get up and go” mentally quickly melts away into...

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Celebrating and Honoring Freedom Day: Juneteenth

Celebrating and Honoring Freedom Day: Juneteenth

Juneteenth has been celebrated by Black Americans since 1866, but has been largely overlooked, marginalized, and unknown to many Americans until recently. Juneteenth would not become recognized as a federal holiday until June 18th, 2021, after a proclamation by...

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 Pride Month Book Recommendations Across Genres

 Pride Month Book Recommendations Across Genres

This June, we have a few book recommendations to celebrate Pride: skip the corporate rainbow-washing and instead curl up with a good book by a queer* author featuring queer themes, characters, and insights. The following books, encompassing just some of the diversity...

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7 Key Tips for Tackling a New Client’s Style Guide

7 Key Tips for Tackling a New Client’s Style Guide

Diving into work for a new copy editing client is always an exciting time for any editor—but it can also be an intimidating one. And it doesn’t help when you’re trying to wrap your mind around a 10-page style guide you’ve never seen before! But here’s the good news:...

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Getting Graphic: A New Take on the Classic Gothic Novel

Getting Graphic: A New Take on the Classic Gothic Novel

World Goth Day is celebrated annually in May. This day can be described, according to World Goth Day’s website, as, "a day where the goth scene gets to celebrate its own being, and an opportunity to make its presence known to the rest of the world." This day was...

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What Does ChatGPT Bring to the Editorial World?

On March 16, 2023, ACES, The Society for Editing, hosted a webinar on ChatGPT, calling on the expertise of Samantha Enslen (former ACES board member and writer) and Corinne Jorgenson, COO of Redpoint AI Engineering and Consulting. Enslen and Jorgenson gave a general, succinct overview of ChatGPT (and language networks in general) and explained its benefits...

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Getting the Word Out: Social Media Tips and Tricks for Authors

Whether you love it or hate it, there’s no denying that in today’s world, social media is an integral part of how information is spread across society—and that very much includes authors who are looking to share their work with an audience. This opens the door for a flood of questions authors should be asking themselves about how to most effectively...

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Hardbacks or Paperbacks: What’s the Right Choice for You?

While the common consensus is that publishing is moving further and further into the ebook market, physical media is still alive. Sales of physical books saw increases in 2020 and 2021 thanks to the pandemic lockdown, and while sales were overall down 6.5 percent in 2022, 788.7 million hardback and paperback books were sold in 2022. This represents a very...

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How Long Should My Novel Be?

When you set out to write anything for publication, one of the key things you should ask yourself is “how long should this be?” There are several things that factor into answering this question, from age demographic to genre to narrative form. No matter what you’re writing, or for whom, knowing the average word count for publications and adhering to them...

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How to Procure a Cover Designer for Your Book

You should never judge a book by its cover, but that won’t prevent potential readers from passing over your book if they don’t like its cover artwork and design. So how can you commission a book cover that both attracts readers’ attention and accurately communicates what your book is about? Read on for your road map to success. Researching your target...

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Before You Start Writing Your Book: Twenty Things to Consider About Your Story

Are you considering writing a book? Maybe you have a vague idea of a story you’d like to tell, but you aren’t quite sure, or maybe you have a solid idea of what you want to write, but … What might you be missing? When I started writing my (still unfinished) book a few years ago, I had no understanding of the journey I was about to take. I later learned...

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Technically Speaking – Part 2

Part I of this two-part post focused on the five major steps to successfully approaching a technical writing project without a technical background. Now, in this second installment, we’ll focus on the list of 10 tips and tricks to successfully making that project happen! Tip #1: Focus on what you DO know. While you might not have a huge amount of knowledge...

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Word Count in Novels: Is It Important?

Word count — it’s a simple enough thing — write the words and count them. But do word counts really matter when you are writing your novel, and is book length an important thing to consider before publishing? Although there’s no absolute answer, and there’s always an example of that one book in that one genre that was super-short (or super-long) but still...

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How to Be a Good Beta Reader: Reading in Exchange for Critique

What Is a Beta Reader? A Beta Reader is asked to read an author’s work when they’ve finished their original edits, but before the professional editing has begun. They help the author handle big-picture questions regarding story, pacing, plot, character, etc. While they’re not typically looking for typos and grammatical mistakes, an author may ask them to...

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