Stay up to date with the events and knowledge that are shaping the publishing industry.
Cash for Citations: The Newest Scam in Scholarly Publishing
“Publish or Perish” tends to be the unfortunate moniker of the scholarly publishing world nowadays. Experts have to publish their work (and in the right journal, mind you) to get the citations and recognition needed to advance in their field. This mindset has of...
AI’s Role in Peer Review
We’ve almost talked to death the topic of ChatGPT’s authorship role and the ethics of authors using it and other AI tools to produce manuscripts in past blog posts. Yet, this doesn’t change the fact that AI continues to infiltrate every step of the scholarly...
Interior Book Design: Guide to Formatting, Layout, and Design
When it comes to interior page formatting, it's important to keep in mind that programs such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs may not be the most suitable tools for designing your book. It takes more than just a few clicks to transform your typed pages into a...
The 2023 Peer Review Week is Almost Here!
Peer review has always been an important, behind-the scenes piece of the publication puzzle. An annual week to celebrate and explore its complexities is well deserved! A couple of decades ago, academic and scientific peer review looked much different from today....
Google’s New AI Search Changes the Game for Publishing
We may still be a few decades away from HAL 9000 and the Terminator wreaking havoc on the humanrace (fingers crossed!), but AI continues to infiltrate and change the publishing industry. We’ve already writtenabout how AI in the form of ChatGPT is changing all the...
What Exactly is Ghostwriting?
If you’re anything like me when you hear the word ghostwriter, one of two things pops up. First, there’sthe 1990s PBS television series where a literal ghost who writes helps a group of teenagers solve mysteries (sadly,we won’t be doing a deep dive into that forgotten...
5 Tips to Become A Better Writer
Are you a novice writer just starting out in the realm of digital content, or are you a seasoned expert seeking tips on writing better? As a word nerd who is currently working on her own book, here are a few of my favorite writing tips you can use to hone your...
Writing Prompts to Unlock Your Creativity
Ideas may seem hard to come by, whether you're attempting to start a new writing project or are experiencing writer's block in the middle of one. Writing prompts are invaluable. Use this list of creative writing prompts to flex your creative writing muscles as you...
Academic Journal Submission Tips
Many academics will submit their work to academic journals at some point in their careers. For those pursuing tenure, success in publishing may be the most important factor determining whether they receive promotion and tenure. Few will understand the thought...
What Does ChatGPT Bring to the Editorial World?
On March 16, 2023, ACES, The Society for Editing, hosted a webinar on ChatGPT, calling on the expertise of Samantha Enslen (former ACES board member and writer) and Corinne Jorgenson, COO of Redpoint AI Engineering and Consulting. Enslen and Jorgenson gave a general,...
Getting the Word Out: Social Media Tips and Tricks for Authors
Whether you love it or hate it, there’s no denying that in today’s world, social media is an integral part of how information is spread across society—and that very much includes authors who are looking to share their work with an audience. This opens the door for a...
PSP 2018 Conference Recap
Last month we excitedly boarded trains bound for Washington, DC to attend this year’s Professional & Scholarly Publishing (PSP) Conference, entitled “Data, Diversity, and Discovery: How Professional and Scholarly Publishing Is Accelerating Change and Growth.” Although the keynote speaker opened with a discussion on President Trump and science, the...
Can I Share? The Need for Repository Policies
Just as with science, the world of academic publishing is full of cause and effects. We had a recent blog post regarding ResearchGate and whether or not science and social media can coexist. This rise in academic social media presence and a desire to share material has led to more questions about what work can be posted and when. It seems this desire to...
Get to Know the Technica Staff: Brianna Cooper
Each month, we will interview one employee to get their opinions on the publishing industry, hear what it’s like to work at Technica, and learn a little bit about them. This month we are interviewing Brianna Cooper, a North Carolina native and graduate of UNC Chapel Hill who joined Technica as an editorial assistant in December of last year. This is your...
Happy Word Nerd Day!
Logophile. Lover of words. Word nerd. However, we word enthusiasts choose to define our devotion to words, whatever paths we take towards achieving peak word-related euphoria, one aspect is common. That is the origin story; the epiphanic, pivotal moment that irrevocably transformed our relationship with words by romanticizing the framework through which we...
Get to Know the Technica Staff: James Gheen
Each month, we will interview one employee to get their opinions on the publishing industry, hear what it’s like to work at Technica, and learn a little bit about them. This month we are interviewing James Gheen, an editorial assistant from Durham, North Carolina and aspiring fantasy and science fiction writer. How did you get started in the publishing...
Can Science and Social Media Coexist?
A new fight is brewing in the world of scholarly publishing and it is centered on ResearchGate. For those who don’t know, ResearchGate is arguably the world’s largest social media website for scientists and science writers—used by some 60 percent of academics. In September 2017, the International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers...
Get to Know the Technica Staff: Taylor Kane
Each month, we will interview one employee to get their opinions on the publishing industry, hear what it’s like to work at Technica, and learn a little bit about them. This month we are interviewing Taylor Kane, an editorial assistant and Orange County, North Carolina native. This is your first full-time job. What drew you to working in the publishing...
Charleston Library Conference Recap: Publication Ethics, Collaborations, Copyright, and Piracy
Earlier this month, I traveled to the Charleston Library Conference: Issues in Book and Serial Acquistion on behalf of Technica Editorial. The weeklong event ran from November 6 through November 10 and featured numerous receptions, a vendor showcase, poster session, and concurrent sessions on topics in library management and the publishing industry. The...
Get to Know the Technica Staff: Drew Martin
Each month, we will interview one employee to get their opinions on the publishing industry, hear what it’s like to work at Technica, and learn a little bit about them. This month we are interviewing Drew Martin, an Orange County, NC native who returned home to work as an Associate Editor for Technica. This is your first publishing job. What have you...
ISMTE Recap: Predatory Journals, Journal Tools, and Copyright Bootcamp
The September 8, 2017 meeting of the ISMTE local group featured four presenters who were all attendees of the recent ISMTE North America Conference in Denver, Colorado. Each of the four touched on different issues brought up during the conference’s panel discussions. Jodi Harrell of Research Square was the first speaker and began by discussing certain...