Fast-Track Publishing in the Era of COVID-19

Fast-Track Publishing in the Era of COVID-19

COVID-19 has changed many aspects of the publishing industry and caused numerous issues and disruptions to arise in the last year. One of the biggest issues has been mounting delays in the peer review and publishing process. With many authors and researchers...
An Author’s Guide to Building a Readership

An Author’s Guide to Building a Readership

Whether you’re an author who’s traditionally published or self-published, you can’t expect your book to sell itself. With the large number of new titles published each year, how do you stand out in the crowd? While an obvious way to sell books is to run ads and...
Celebrate Women’s History Month with the Evolution of Feminism

Celebrate Women’s History Month with the Evolution of Feminism

Wisdom Born of Pain An anthology of essays forming a fascinating mosaic of viewpoints, insights, and understandings—Can We All Be Feminists? is a must-read for anyone looking to change their views via empathy and intersectional feminism. “Intersectional feminism” is a...
Ibram X. Kendi’s How to Be an Antiracist: A Discussion

Ibram X. Kendi’s How to Be an Antiracist: A Discussion

Ibram X. Kendi’s How to Be an Antiracist: A Discussion To truly embrace the pledge of equal opportunity employment and ensure fair treatment and opportunity for all workers, businesses, including those in publishing, must act to rectify imbalances resulting from a...
Large Group Authorship: Benefits and Hurdles

Large Group Authorship: Benefits and Hurdles

Trends in global research pointed to a more open research environment in the years preceding the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, partially due to a push for collaboration among countries and scientists (on the part of organizations such as the World Health Organization),...